
Sunday, September 11, 2011



1. General Reflexogenic (refleksologi)
2. Hypotensive bloodletting (pengaliran darah tekanan rendah)
3. Immunopotentiating (stimulasi imunisasi)
4. Internal decongestion(bahan penguraian dalaman)
5. Bacteriostatic (antibiotik)
6. Anticoagulant (antibeku darah)
7. Anti-inflammatory (anti radang)
8. Antithrombotic (anti sumbatan(trombus)
9. Local anti-edematous (anti- bengkak)
10. Thrombolytic (pelerai sumbatan)
11. Analgesic (tahan sakit)
12. Removal of microcirculation disorders (mengurai masalah saluran darah)
13. Antiatherosclerotic (anti pengerasan salur darah)
14. Anti-ischemic (anti kurang oksigen dan pereputan tisu)
15. Removal of abnormal inter-system interactions (menghindar gangguan sistem dalam badan.

Penyakit yang disembuhkan;

1. Diabetes Melitus
2. Kelenjar Tyroid dan Kanser
3. Cedera Otot
4. Migrain
5. Glaucoma
6. Myasthenia
7. Inflammatory reactions
8. Heart diseases
9. Rheumatic diseases
10. Tendovaginitis and tendonitis
11. Venous disease and varicose veins
12. Arthrosis
13. Arthritis
14. Muscle tension
15. Trombosis and embolism
16. Passive congestions and spastic conditions
17. Vertebrogenic pain syndromes
18. Transudates and exudates
19. Antidyscratic therapy (blood purification and regeneration) of toxicosos and mental illnesses.

Bahan yang terkandung dan yang dikeluarkan oleh Lintah

1. Hirudin
2. Hyaluronidase
3. Pseudohirudin
4. Destabilase
5. Apyrase
6. Bdellines
7. Eglines
8. Kininases
9. like substances
10. Collagenase
11. Leech prostanoids
12. Inhibitor of Kallukrein of the blood plasma
13. Proteases
14. Lipolytic enzymes
15. Intibitor of Xa factor of the blood coagulation
16. Triglyceridase
17. Cholestrol esterase
18. Lipase

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